Flute Fluke. BLEW IT!!!

I'm in concert band (yay band geeks) and I challenged for a higher chair. I practiced and practiced...and practiced a little too much. Needless to say, I choked...bad. Like 5 FALSE STARTS AND A SPEEDY GONZALEZ VERSION OF THE SONG!!! type choked. So embarrassing, but i'm over it now. Kitty ebony saw it happen. It was sad. Like two whole tissue boxes sad. When the MUSIC TEACHER FOR TWENTY YEARS winces, you know you've fxed up pretty badly. ah well.

I'm being picky about Ch. 2 of Choose your poison. I apologize, but I believe grammar was invented for a reason and that the english language is too big too limit yourself to elementary school vocabulary. *ahem*....*ahem* I forgive spelling. It sucks. It should look like it sounds. Like sheet music, unless you're me of course. Working on it as we speak. Procrastinating on homework. Because I can't thats why...HA.

Whats up with the new journal rule. I like spam. It tastes good fried. This is like discriminationor something. WE SHOULD PROTEST!!!
Signing off....yeah right you wish.
November 16th, 2007 at 01:14pm