Lyude [Blackbird Fanfic]

I doubt I'll ever make chapters of this story, so I had to put it here. *sigh*
This mibba thing is much more different than I thought.

blackbird fanfic [blak-berd fahn-fyk] noun, 1. a fan fiction taking one or more character from a story and putting them in totally new situations that couldnt have possibly happened in the real story

Lyude is from Baten Kaitos, an amazing RPG for the GameCube. If youre researching it, Lyude is the cute red haired guy with the funky uniform and the bronze gun. <3

Lyude: father was K.I.A., his mother died soon after he was born, and his 2 older sisters took care of him. When he turned 12, both were killed in a buggy accident. Now Lyude is 17. Lyude is coming back to his room in the Imperial castle from a victorious siege. He hears the general talking about a destructive plan to take over the rest of the countries in the continent of Zephyr. He also hears of a rebel group in Darkling Woods, and his sisters were the leaders in it. That is why they were killed when he was younger. They were spying on the Empire for the rebel group. Lyude gets caught eavesdropping and tries to escape out to the castle but not without an arrow in his side. They have poison in it that sap his strength. Stumbling thorough the deepest part of the woods, panting hard from the poison, he sees a light. It’s the rebel campfire. He runs as fast as he could though the dense forest and falls right into the rebel camp. “Please.... help...... me”, were his last words before all goes dark.

Lyude wakes up in a tent. He sits up and sees something surprising. Himself but different. He had longer hair than his, tied back. He wore a tunic and pants with leather boots to the knee. Across his back was a buster blade. He had the same mahogany eyes as Lyude. “You’re up,” he says. “Who are you?” asks the bewildered Lyude. He answers, “I am Luke, your twin brother.”

The story goes on. Lyude eventually becomes the leader of this small garrison of rebels along with Luke. Both are the leader, 2 at once, like the sisters. He finds it is hard to fight people he had known in the Empire, maybe destroy his closest friends. But the thought of his sisters, and what they Empire was trying to do kept him going, until it was no more.
November 18th, 2007 at 08:18am