I just published the 14th! chapter of Choose your Poison. This is the farthest I've ever gotten with a story. It's probably because kitty ebony is helping of course. I hope you all like it. Comment if you feel it could improve.

My mom is trying to convince me to pick up swimming again. HELL NO!!!!!!! I did quit for a reason. You can only make yourself go in circles for so long until you realize all you're doing is making yourself dizzy. Oh wait, circles are boring you. Try butterfly. Ah see thats better isn't it? Its a bit more interesting cuz its harder to breath. No thank you. I'm done with that. I've taken up music. I like music. I'm good at music. Whats so bad about music. Music unites, swimming makes us smell like chlorine. And did I mention it makes me dizzy.

Ok so flute makes me dizzy too, but not as bad. It's a funny type dizzy not a passout type dizzy. I was playing nutcracker one time and I almost fell over. My teacher asked what was wrong and I said,

"If you give a couple teenagers reeds and a couple shots of Nutcracker, you've got yourself a Russian Festival". Get it. Russian Festival is the song we have to perform with nutcracker. We all hate it.

Well he thought it was funny.
November 18th, 2007 at 10:30am