I need help with my iPod.


Warning: My explanation skills are microscopic.

I am trying to put "notes" into my iPod or whatever, but how do I do it.

Do you know what I mean?

Help please...


Also! Does anyone watch MTV? Probably not, I don't either.
But some kid from my school was on Made, and they aired it today!
haha, it was awesome. It was kind of weird having my little town on TV...on MTV.

My friend was on it too, she was talking to the kid, I was almost on it.
A camera man asked me and my friends to talk about our town, but it wasn't put on.
Plus the kid is hilarious so it made the show wayy funnier.

Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind
The Adventures of Cat and Kat.
November 19th, 2007 at 04:40am