my third idiot journal that is not fit for human eyes

~*sidenote, this isn't exactaly made to be seen by anyone. it's just a collaberation of all my thoughts and feelings as they happen. if your lost, well, that's too bad for you, isn't it? pardon spelling and grammer issues*~

*disclaimer-if you become incredibly bored or lost because you haven't read the Harry Potter books or have and are increadibly magicaly knoligebly lacking, then Shut Off Your Computer And READ THE DANG BOOKS! They've been out for 10 FRICKIN' YEARS! BUY A COPY! NOW! thank you*

Sooooooooooooo... yeah. Bored again. Good news! Equis might go broadway with Dan! And HBP is comeing out January '09! That's soon for a HP movie. And there are some fantabulous actors and some famous french art director and the Spinner's End sceen! YAY for fandom freekdom!

But enough about the movies, let's have you listen to me gush about the books! And since 7 is the latest, it is my new victom. I re-read the ending and I just melted on the King's Cross chapter! When Dumbeldore said "Do not pitty the dead, Harry. Pitty the living, and moreover, pitty those who live without love." it just stuck with me. I absolutaly melted and totaly broke down crying. For those who know me, you can tell the ones that don't that I never cry. I didn't cry at my Aunt's funeral or when my Grandma died. I just don't cry in public. Only a few books have I ever sobbed into their pages, only the most touching and beautifuly writen have earned that right. So yeah, I cryed like a baby.

Also on the King's Cross chapter, Dumble-dor says in reply to Harry's question of weather or not it was all in his head or if it's real "Of course it's in your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it's not real?"
Oh, I just loved that. It is so amazing. And in The Forest Again, I think, he said "Does death hurt?" and Sirius said "It's quicker and Easier than falling asleep." That's just so hope-giving, ya know?

All in all, it's an amazing book in an amazing series, Kingsly for prez!

Keep twiddling those dials. The next password will be lemon drops. Keep eackother safe, keep faith.
Good night.

P.S. ewww... green apple twizzlers are gross!
November 19th, 2007 at 06:30am