Audrey Kitching.

Anyone a fan of her?
She's so effing talented.
And I'm gonna sound like a teenie for saying this, but her hair is always so effing awesome! XD
I always thought models were dumb, but I was wrong. She's pretty smart.
Not like a straight A student kind of smart or anything, but yeah.
I really hope I'll meet her one day.
I look up to her.
Its amazing that she can be herself and be so popular at the same time.

I changed my profile. =D
It has a few icons of Audrey on it. w00t.
I'm still working on it though. ^_^

I'm gonna go to sleep now.
Ugh, school tomorrow. *sobs*

Tell me about your day. I'll reply tomorrow.
November 19th, 2007 at 10:13am