I'm So Scr**ed

Hey Guys!

I Haven't been on mibba in AGES!

I feel like such an outsider! :-(

Anyway, I went to see MCR on tuesday 13th for the 1st time! Twas Awesome! Me and my friend were sooo close! I took an amazing picture of Gerard :-D HeHe

Did anyone else go to that show in sheffield?

So, onto the real topic.

I'm going to sound a bit slutty but I asure you i'm not!

I have a boyfriend called Sam, but I think I'm liking this other guy. His friend, Josh.
I feel so bad about it :-|

I've Been going out with sam for about... 3 months and I loved him but lately I've been getting feeling for Josh. I don't know what's up with me :-|

I don't know weather I should dump sam and take a chance with Josh. But the thing is

1) I don't know weather Josh fancies me
2) Sam really loves me still
3) I'd seem slutty
4) If I dumped sam, I wouldn't really see josh because sam and josh are friends and josh comes to town cos he knows sam will be there.


I've been thinking about this for about a week now and I really don't know what to do. Some of my friends think I should dump him and go out with Josh and my other friends are like

"Oh, just follow you heart/feelings,"


"Sam needs to grow up!"

[Sam is in year 8 i'm in year 9 and so josh is in year 9]

but the thing is... I don't know what I'm feeling!

My heart doesn't know wear to go!!! :-(

Help Guys? I could really do with some advice :-( *hugs*

Thanks xxxxxxx
November 20th, 2007 at 03:31am