People are evil.

Today downright sucked, which hasn't happened in a while.

A month or so back, my friends and I in English class had to write a story. It was twenty pages long and I had to type all of it. Afterward, my wrist hurt for nearly a week. Yesterday one of them pointed out that I had put in a few grammatical errors and incosistencies. Now, I'm okay with having my mistakes pointed out. However, everyone started whining and sulking and complaining and wouldn't shut up about how stupid I was, how they were all going to fail English, and were acting like it was all my fault.

Hell, they gave me it. I typed it. Wordcorrected screwed it up and wouldn't change it back. And it was their fault they ruined the story line, not mine. So everyone was pissed at me until fourth period. One of them went so far as to compare me to one of the people who got into arguments with us last year--the same people who used to be my friends but dumped me and as a result made me depressed and suicidal.

Spanish was also horrible. Someone threw a spitball at me and it landed in my hair. We had to do a two-day partner project, and I was paired with a complete jerk who was not only an idiot, but bluntly refused to do any work. The kid sitting next to him--about four feet away from me--made fun of him because he was my partner and because I'm so 'stupid.' The guy who said that is in all regulars; I'm in all honors. Hypocrite.

I'm so glad we have the rest of the week off after Tuesday. I hate the people in my school so much sometimes, honestly. I won't say my life sucks, but the people in it...that's another story.
November 20th, 2007 at 06:18am