Christmas Movies (getting in the X-Mas mood early, I know)

Christmas is still 33-34 days away I know, but I'm getting in the mood kinda early.

I (like many other people) love sitting around the television in December watching Christmas movies. Though sadly, just because a movie is set around Christmas and made for the sole intention of "family fun", doesn't excuse them for being bad. And many times they're just downright awful. Here is a brief list at some of the best and worst Christmas movies I have had the pleasure (or torture) of watching.

The Best:

It's A Wonderful Life (1946)
-Not only the best Christmas movie, but also one of the greatest movies ever made. A fantastic drama directed by Frank Capra and starring the legendary James Stewart. I consider myself a heartless bastard and this movie still managed to make me shed a tear.

A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
-Is it just me or are Charlie Brown movies highly depressing? This young kid has a fucking miserable life and I pity him so much. I wouldn't like to see him as an adult. He probably resorted to drug abuse and died of an overdose in his mid 20s. Watch this movie if you want to see the early stages of depression.

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
-Christmas Carol is arguably the best of The Muppet movies. It has comedy, a freaky combination of puppets and mops, and makes you feel warm and cozy inside. And it had a cameo from the Fragglerock cast! That made the movie for me.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
-One of the funniest movies ever made; as good as the original "Vacation". Like Charlie Brown Christmas, it features a lot of common holiday disasters, but takes everything one step further.

Tim Burton's The Nightmate Before Christmas (1993)
-What's this, what's this? Why, it's The Nightmare Before Christmas. Excellent use of stop-motion, great songs composed by the (almighty) Danny Elfman, and a fun story that integrates two polar-opposite holidays.

The Worst:

A Christmas Story (1983)
-No no, I am not a meth addict or a (complete) idiot. I just don't see any appeal in this movie. I've watched it many, many times (oh how I wish I had that time back) but for me it has no likable qualities. Annoying characters, and unfunny event after unfunny event. Just because it's "realistic" doesn't mean it's good. Oh Ralphie, why couldn't you have actually shot your eye out?

Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
-Shame on you Ron Howard. Shame. What happened to the good ol' days when you were Richie Cunningham and made people laugh at your hilarious adventures with the Fonz and the others. And you even brought in Jim Carey to star in this atrocious piece of cinematic trash. Shame indeed.

Elf (2003)
-It's a six foot elf ...I get it.

Ernest Saves Christmas (1988)
-It's an Ernest movie. With the exception of Ernest Goes To Camp, they were all quite agonizing to watch.

Jingle All The Way (1996)
-Do I honestly need to comment on this one?

The "Guilty Pleasures":
(these are the movies that aren't great by any means but still fun to watch)

Scrooged (1988)
-Bill Murray is one of my favourite actors from 1980+ and I highly enjoyed his performance in this "darker" version of the classic Scrooge story. Sure, it's no "Groundhog Day" or "Ghost Busters", but it sure as hell beats "What About Bob?".

The Santa Clause (1994)
-An amusing movie that does have its share of funny moments.

Home Alone (1990)/Home Alone 2: Lost In New York (1992)
-For the love of all that is good and mighty, do NOT watch any Home Alone movie past 2. Just watch the first couple. They were sweet, enjoyable and featured the fantastic Joe Pesci. Screw that little ten year old who couldn't act, Pesci MADE those movies watchable.

Christmas Fun For Horror Fanatics:

Black Christmas (1974)
-The original slasher and inspired many that came after it.

Gremlins (1984)
-Gizmo. 'Nuff said.

Jack Frost (1996)
-Unlike Black Christmas and Gremlins, Jack Frost is not a good movie. Not even close. But it's a snowman that kills people. He even rapes a girl with a carrot. Now that's what I call holiday fun.
November 22nd, 2007 at 06:29am