Hm Kind of sad.

It;s kind of sad when people you've known since primary school are now obcest with partying, getting drunk and having sex. Either that or i'm imature for not wanting to get shit-faced and end up rooting some random..o.0

wow I really should be studying for exams..but I can't be bothered. I wish I could go back to Kindergarten for a hoilday and not have to deal with freind troubles, school troubles and troubles of every sort.

What the hell Qaudratic functions!?!?! I'm far too unintelligent to be doing this *Rocks back and forth clutching teddy*

Hm today I have decided to give a virtual hug to everyone who needs it. For those of you who feel snowed under, stuck, sad, far too happy, having freind troubles or family or school troubles, feel like your falling apart or that no one understands you (I understand even If i haven't met you *grin* ) or just need a hug this is for you: *HUGGG*

November 22nd, 2007 at 02:23pm