I hate Facebook.

I hate Facebook. I hate it so much, you could say I hate Facebook with a burning passion. It's not that I'm not a fan of profile sites. I mean this is kind of one of those sites but Facebook just makes me want to punch myself in the face. I know this is going to sound so hypocritical but I have a Facebook. I made it when the site was still picking up steam and then quickly abandoned it for my Vampire Freaks and Myspace accounts that I am so ravenously addicted to.

One day it was like everybody on this nice little planet of ours had a Facebook account. This is when the seething rage for the site began, really. I can’t like anything that is really popular. I’ve tried, really. I just can’t bring myself to do it. I liked Johnny Depp in Cry Baby and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas but when Pirates came out I stopped liking him because everyone did. I hate those Pirates movies too! There was many a band that I held near and dear to my heart for their sentimental blubbering's, that was dropped instantaneously after they became stadium sing-a-long favourites. I cant help it its just what I do and its what happened to Facebook. I just can’t take the constant din in my school hallways of “Are you going to that party?”, “What, The one on Facebook?” It’s Everywhere!

Facebook is the new Myspace; which I also hated in it’s prime. But now that the hype has died I’m okay with it. The site Vampire Freaks never had a big deal made out of it except for the occasional ad in AP magazine but it has always been kind of lame to a lot of people so Vampire Freaks has always been a mainstay for myself. Maybe one day when the hype around Facebook dies down a bit I’ll be able to come to terms with its existance. For now though, my loathing remains.

November 24th, 2007 at 03:51am