Scented Deodorant Rant

I know this is weird and completely random but I have beef with underarm deodorants these day’s. They’re all heavily perfumed and it bothers the bonkers out of me. I was a the drug store looking for deodorant and I couldn’t find an unscented brand. It’s all “juicy watermelon” or “black satin”. What the hell does black satin smell like? I was almost completely sure that satin did not have a scent, that was detectable by humans at least, but according to the company who produced this deodorant black satin does indeed have a scent. And it smells like roses and rubbing alcohol! That can’t be right. Also I don’t want someone to get close to me and be like “mmm, what smells like apple pie” and then have to explain that its my armpit. I don’t think that’s to much to ask. I just want unscented deodorant to not be a thing of the past for those of us who like to smell like non-sweaty people instead of fruit or something.
November 27th, 2007 at 02:56am