PE today...

we have athis rather amusing PE teacher who does all sorts of weird things such as step over tennis nets , but sort of stays there, only half-over, whilst talking to us (i know, he's weird) and today he was carrying a big box in a big-man type way.

well Tasha pointed out and i said "God, he loks drunk" then she said the funniest thing:
"that box is as big as his ego" & we had a mini-laughing attack.

He then put the box down, half outside so Tash said "lets go poke his ego with our badminton raquet"
so we went over to it but his hand appeared & moved it!!! it was really funny & we had hysterics. it was like he KNEW we were coming.....

Our friend, Flora (AKA Flo) ignored us whil we basically died laughing.

the box then reappeared so tash said "let's have another attempt" so we just started getting up to go over when it completely disappeared!!!!

we had hysterics again...etc etc

we think Flo may have sent him telepathic messages....seeing as we think Flo is hi daughter as she got stuck on a fence in the PE teacher style....

anyhoo, it may not sound funny, but it was at the time, and we are VERY easily pleased, on top of having warped senses of humour....

November 27th, 2007 at 10:23pm