Late, I know. But I had to let it out...

It's amazing how MySpace retards got us all worked up over some silly accusations and newly found assumptions their so called ex-'Hero'. I find it upsetting and rather funny at the same time; upsetting in the sense that we're seeing the man we all idolize getting trashed his own fans [if we think it's morally correct to call them that] and funny from the angle that it comes to me as ironic as in seeing how these patrons show their truth.

I personally and honestly don't see the changes they speak of. How can you sink to the low of verbally abusing and abandoning the person who you claimed to have helped you during your darkest times because everyone's doing it. In fact it is above my normally inferior realization of facts.

This whole wave is the product of someone's idiocy and lack of life/belief.
All of us adore this band to the every last cell in our bodies and are very devoted to these five men so evidently what those kids say about any of them hurts and anger us as well. I just hope this will be over quickly.

[Sorry for that speech but I wanted to have my -ever so usually late- say on that matter and basically let it out of my system.]
[Drinking milk does that to you ^_^]
November 28th, 2007 at 03:04am