Random thing at lunch

i ate a satsuma today at lunch (in between the first half of my 10 hour art exam) and my friends Flo & Karen started chucking the peel at each other so it landed on the floor & coz we're all lazy we just left it there.

Then our Headteacher came round (as he sometimes does) and asked
"has anyone has an orange?r"
everyone else was all "no" but i said "not an Orange ..."

then he said "then why is there orange peel on the floor?"
So I put in the bin but then said "it's not orange peel its satsuma peel"

(i seriously thought he would get mega lairy with me, but thankfully he didn't)

THEN he said "i was just about to accuse you, anyway. Do you know why?"

i didn't & just though he was being all "i'm so-great" etc etc so i jus said
"cause you're psychic????"
& everyone laughed including him (v. freaky!!!!) then he said "ask your friend next to you,"
so we all loooked at Karen (i was wondering whether she'd pointed at me or something) but she was clueless so he said
"you've got orange on your face"
but then we were all "it's PAINT!!!!" (coz of the art exam)

and we all found that really funny
(how the hell could i get orange all up the side of my face??)
so i thought i'd share

November 28th, 2007 at 10:47pm