I hate needles!!!!

Was my week gay or what?

We had an eight hour drive and stayed in some crappy hotel. It was so small. I felt like I was in a shoe box. I hate sleeping in hotels. I get paranoid of noises from the outside and I cannot sleep on the bed because of who-knows-who slept there and did who-knows-what! I didn't sleep at all because there was someone or something knocking at our door at four AM but when I open the door no one's there!

I am sleep deprived and I had to wait for two hours just to get a stupid vaccination shot. And not inly was it one shot it was three shots! And they took blood from me. So that was four needles that poked me in just a span of five minutes. All was at my left arm bu the way.

Sorry for this stupid rant but I'm just way to freaking happy to be here at home. I have now a new appreciation for my bed..

November 29th, 2007 at 08:28pm