
Tomorrow is my brother's girlfriend's eighteenth birthday!! So according to her today is "Jill's Birthday Eve" so we had a cake for her and gave her presents... My mom was stupid enough to give her the knife to cut the cake(it was icecream cake) She cut my peice first...nd it was huge..or atleast i thought it was, but i had the smallest piece, for some reason she measured them..?......i have no clue why...she is just crazy.... Then we were sitting there and my step father(who I absolutely hate) dropped a peice of his cake and Jill started laughing and she asked him if his teeth fell out cuz he has dentures.....yea..its one of those "you had to be there" things...... so anyways......Jill was telling us about how she was going to have a huge birthday party with her uncle they were gonna have a Jack and Jill.....well i have to go try to eat face is still numb........from my dentist appointment at 4.......
November 30th, 2007 at 07:48am