
This is my first journal entry, and I'm writing it with a fractured elbow. Yeah, I'm an idiot. I got in a fight with my mom, more of an argument really, the other day and I left the house, on my skates, in the dark, without my glasses. Catastrophy waiting to happen. So I booked it because I thought they were right behind me. Truthfully they didn't even know I was gone. So I was about to step off a curb to cross the street, at...idk how fast i was going but it was really damn fast to be going in the dark....really fast and I tripped on the blacktop. I dont live in the best part of town and so the city doesn't really feel the need to keep the streets nice. In otherwords, we have really crappy sidewalks. So I tripped, and feel and went "SHIT" and got up and continued to the hockey rink where my guy friends were playing. I was hurt and Xander (my best friend and he who plays the big brother I never had, also, my crush.) got really mad at me for not wanting to get help. In the end I called my sister and she came and picked me up and then she called my father (BIG MISTAKE) and he came and took me to the emergency midnight. They didn't get around to me until one and then i didn't leave until two. Now i have a splint on my fractrued elbow and I'm grounded. There goes my spring break. -_-
so that's the story of how i fractured my elbow.

goodnews is: i can still skate. ^-^
April 5th, 2007 at 11:45pm