I am very proud. I STOOD UP FOR US!

Okay I was online and this kid started an "Anti-Emo" group on facebook. Now, I don't label myself as emo, or anything for that matter, but there is nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
So this kid Ed, was making fun of people and I got so fed up that I decided to say something.
this is the conversation. (My friend Justin Helped me too)

Okay seriously guys?
do you not have anything better to do than sit in front of a fucking computer and make fun of a group of people because of how they dress or act?
Get the fuck over it. People have differences get used to it. If you for one second think you're better than anyone, you are one stuck up and ignorant prick.

Kid #1:
i dont know who you are or care for that matter. this is what we think and if you dont like it stay the fuck off the wall bitch.

whatever.. call me a bitch. I've been called worse and it doesn't really bother me.
But do you seriously think you are better than anyone for that matter?
You're just closed minded
and the real world is gonna be a shock for you.
Everyone is different. And being a clone and like everyone else is just stupid and shows no individuality.

Ed (A Big self centered Asshole):
Hey, Molly you stupid slut. Your beaking us for sitting in front of a computer for making fun of people for the way they act… that seems to be exactly what your doing, bitch. You preach how people have differences, correct? Well the difference between you and I, among others is that I HATE EMO KIDS. You should accept our differences and stop trying to change it, why that seems awfully familiar. Did anybody else catch that? It seems the Emo girl that has prided herself over her individuality for sometime now, is trying to get me to change my opinions. You Emo idiots are all the same.And Justin ( refering to a previous statement) , why don't you leave. Its quite clear that nobody besides you and Molly like Emos here, just fuck off. Unless your that starved for attention you need to come here, where your clearly NOT WANTED, to get a rise out of people. Piss off. Oh yea, take that guitar, write some more generic insults on it AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS PUSSY BOY. What I find very funny, is that you shidiots think your going to change our opinions, holy shit that’s funnier then an Emo killing himself. By the way, Molly. I think I'm WAY better then not just anyone, most pretty much everybody. Your saying that I'm a clone, thats pretty funny actually... seeing as how your the one that has the same stupid generic Emo "clone" look to her. I bet you don't even think you can be Emo if you don't look a certain way, right? Just leave guys, its sad that you guys think your making valid points, because simply stated you guys are not.

ed kapp, i was just trying to make a point and open your mind to new things, but you're too stubborn, thickheaded, and fat to realize that. so grow a pair, and try to give a damn about something other than ur tiny penis for once, assclown

WOW. Justin is gay. In one paragraph he referenced my penis, my nuts, and my ass. Well done. You aren't trying to open my mind to new things, your trying to get attention. I see right through your little plan there bud. But seriously, if this group, and myself give you so much rage then leave. Trust me, nobody besides Molly will miss you. Everybody here hates you, which I'm sure mirrors your actual life quite well. But really, if I'm that stubborn and thick headed then don't waste your precious time with a response. If you don't say anything, I'm sure we will all get the point a lot better. Peace homie.

A) I'm not a slut.
B) I don't classify myself as emo.
C) I'm not a clone.
I do not dress or look the same as anyone.
As for you being better than everyone?
Oh you definitely are, let me tell you.
Because, people who are better than everyone else..
don't pay attention to people. If you were better than everyone would you really buy into this lame excuse to feel better about yourself? By dissing other people? I think not.

I'm sorry, all I heard from that is you admitting that I'm better then everybody else. Thank you. You may leave.Sorry there, Emo haters. We got a little off topic. What does everybody hate about Emos? I hate the poetry probably the most, I looked at that shit at the Emo group, talk about a poor excuse for creativity. To make it even worse, the shit don't even rhyme! What the fuck is that?

I never said you were.
It's called sarcasm.
Grow he fuck up buddy.
This whole thing is so stupid.
seriously? what does that have to do with your life?!
you're so fucking ignorant that it isn't even funny.
and poetry doesn't have to rhyme.
this is one way to prove you aren't intelligent.

Kid #2:
I think I speak for everyone in this group when I say: Molly why are you still here?

Because I don't back down. I will fight for what I believe in.

Kid #3:
ed kapp and tom richards u r my heroes
molly and justin, if u dont support the group get out

First off.. none of you know jack shit about me..
don't make assumptions.
You also know jack shit about the so called "emos"
you are all bashing.
If you don't know anything about what you're talking about you look like a bunch of idiots who are all too ignorant to pay attention. Oh wait, I forgot.. you are.

Molly, your wearing black eye shadow, you look pissed off in your picture and you come in here defending Emos. Maybe I did assume that you were Emo, but think about it: From the 3 things I know about you, they all scream EMO. You call us ignorant, how do you know we've never tried to talk to an Emo fag? You just assume, the same thing you scold all of us for. Maybe you could, um I'm not sure, maybe just GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. Take a hint like Justin, who was just an over emotional girly man pussy boy bitch with a stick up his ass and leave. Your not standing up for yourself, your standing up for Emos you don't even know. Your not doing a very good job either. Peace Homie.

It's eyeliner.. a normal amount.. which is a make-up product that 99% of the population of girls on earth wear.
Okay yes I do look pissed off.. but that has absolutely nothing to do with being emo. and defending people of all "types" is completely different from being emo. This is just one step in trying to make the world a better place. Because we have to deal with shit heads like you all the time who are so narrow minded that sometimes it doesn't even seem worth it. But some of the people who I care about are considered Emo, and I love them, and will stick with them forever.

Great, but why don't you go stick with them and leave us?

you are bashing them. This group is completely ridiculous. You are all putting other people down just to feel good about yourselves.

Great, but it seems that your doing the exact same thing to us. Please, just leave... it sounds like you don't want to be here, and clearly your not wanted. If its so ridiculous, then why do you seem to be so enamored by it? Your coming off like an attention seeking hippy.

how am i attention seeking?
or a hippie?

And he hasn't replied.
He also started a few discussions on a discussion board about how much he hastes Justin but, I won't get into that.

Sorry its so long.

xoxo :]
December 1st, 2007 at 03:43am