My thoughts on Mibba.

Quite honestly, I feel really restricted here. I don't want to use the word "dictatorship", because I specifically read that if I used it against an admin I would get banned. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for respecting each other, but let's not be hypocrites. If we have "free speech to an extent" is it really free speech? Yeah, it's good to try to be unoffensive, but seriously. As on most sites, I'm TERRIBLY afraid to post new threads, for fear that they'll get deleted, and I will be banned.

I'm actually afraid I could get banned for this. Hopefully no one reads it. Because I have bigger issues, ones I'm afraid to state unless provoked.

Now when it comes right down to it, one could say I'm bitter. I know I'm mean and rude. I wasn't expecting anybody to read this, so hooray if you are. Perhaps I just don't go on the boards enough to "get it." Sorry, I'm not enough of the community.
Sorry, this will piss everyone off.

I'm speaking my mind. Besides that, I have nothing of value to say. Unless repeating other people's words makes me more intelligent or individual. *sarcasm*

I'm not expecting positive feedback for this. I'll warn you too, I may just be having a mood swing. So expect that most of this was worded incorrectly. AND KEEP IN MIND: I'm expressing an OPINION.
In fact, I'm pretty much expecting an angry mob to arrive at my house.

Well, bring on the pitchforks bitches.
December 2nd, 2007 at 10:57am