I'm sick of it

Hey guys,

Just wanted to say that I'm sick of hearing "emo" every five seconds from the scallies (chavs). I am not an emo. I'm a happy alternative kid.

Also I'm sick of getting called "greedy" just because I'm bisexual. If they understood what I went through to come out in the first place they'd leave me alone. Why don't they just get over themselves and stop judging people before they know them?

Apparently I'm a loser because I went to see Mcfly. I mean I love Mcfly and any kind of music really (apart from rap).

Don't you find it annoying that a man and a woman can get married but two men or two women can't even go out of their own house without being ostracised?

Why can't people just leave other people alone and let them lead their own lives?

That's my moan over. Sorry I just had to get that out of my system

December 3rd, 2007 at 02:46am