Dear Fellow Mibbians...

Hello my fellow mibbians, this is Fatma. Most of you might not know me but that's because I'm not that active around the site, however...

I've been noticing the creation of new joint stories and such. First, if you inspired by a story [e.g. Have Kids, Then We'll Talk] credit it and do not fuss all over the fact that people give you bad crit [especially neg. crit, it should help you want to improve not to talk back to the people who gave it to you]. This has happened over the past few days between several authors of a story I shall not name. Posting comments dissing other people is unjustified, and is definitely not going to be by saying you were angry at the time of posting.

See, the bliss of the Internet is that you have the chance to over-think what you type before it is out for people to read and interpret, if it was meant to be silly it will be silly, if it was meant to be smart it will be smart, and if it was meant to be rude or hateful it sure as hell will be rude or hateful. [You have the option of editing as well, so please put that in consideration].
For instance, I'm writing this journal on a notebook before I post it, so I acquire the chance to over-think what's written and make sure it's informative and not offending anyone.

Also, show respect to your fellow mibbians. Don't ridicule their thoughts as you don't want yours to be ridiculed. Be civil [I'm not saying that all of you are not but I'm just sending out advice and emphasizing on those points].
When you're discussing a certain subject try to be up for the discussion and not all childish, explain your views and elaborate if you think it is needed. [As I said before you're on the Internet, you have the space to think about what you're saying/typing] .
Also, here's my last pieces of advice [That I hope will be helpful to all of you who are reading] :

1. Use spell-check, as that would be useful in-case someone wants to Google or Wiki a word you've used earlier. [This also would be good to apply on the 'News & Discussion forums].

2. Again, respect other mibbians.

3. Please take notice that reviews have to be more than 1-4 lines. Please. And they have to be relevant to the written piece of work reviewed. If you give someone a two line 'review' don't be mad if they give you the same. [As I have shamelessly done myself. Why waste your time reviewing your heart out for a person whose only thoughts were 'Luvvvvvv it! Update soon!11!' ?] Sure some users may not be good at reviews but try. Improving your review skills will help you in school and Uni. ^_^

4. I happened to see the profile of one dude here posting regarding his cutting. That is disturbing and sick. So many people are struggling with that matter here that it's insulting or anyone to boast about it. [I've discussed this issue with Andy [Lovesick.] and some of my opinions are relevant to hers.]

That is all my beloved.
Thank you for reading,
Over and over, peace,
December 4th, 2007 at 04:17am