At a loss

I don't know what I'm going to do about this. There are only so many options, and none of them appeal. I can't keep at what I'm doing, it's just way too much. I can't deal with racism or God right now, and this as far too much of both, and in addition, dealing with loss. But if I change what I'm doing, I'll be bored out of my mind everyday for the next three weeks. I have no idea what to do about this. If i stay with it, I'm going to have another breakdown. Argh. I reall just need a break from everything involving this. I've tried as hard as I could since September, and now it's all catching up to me and I've burned out. Like a star that just disappears, everything I've been working towards and providing jst ended suddenly, and it won't come back. I've hit a metaphorical block. I hate this. I can't move forward, and I can't find anyway around it. I have to find some way to get over it. Too bad it won't just happen. I need to grow wings so I can't just hurry up and solve this. I really just.... need a breather from this.
December 5th, 2007 at 01:16am