
On Friday at school, I was yelling at my science homework in ICE. The kid in front of me let me borrow a colored pencil so I could use it. His name's Henry, and he was cool. He tried to make me feel better about a really crappy drawing of a fairy that I did by showing me how bad he was a drawing. We joked about how unfortunate it would be if he had just doomed the human race to evolve into stick figures.
On Monday there was an announcement that Henry's dad had been killed in a drunk driver accident while on his way to Florida. He left behind a wife and I think 5 kids. I was very disturbed by this. First, it made me realize exactly how much I love my dad, even though that's something I make sure I'm aware of. Second, would I ever see that funny kid who sat in front of me in English? Would he ever joke again? Would I see him laugh? He wasn't in school yesterday or today, but when he was ready to come back, who would he be? I'm not dumb enough to expect him to ever be the same again. His whole life has changed in a matter of hours. But would he be a completely different person, when I barely knew who he was in the first place? It made me sad, for him and his whole family. Those sort of things didn't often happen in my town, which is very small a fairly peaceful.
Then today there was another announcement that Drew, the funny, outgoing, smart, class clown sort of guy in my Spanish class who I hadn't talked to since 7th grade also lost his dad. He died in his sleep. That's two deaths, two hundred whispers in the hallways, two moments of silence, two solemn announcements in one week. Though I know Drew even less than I did Henry, I still think how this would effect me. I'm very sad. For Drew, for Henry, for their families.
I know people die every day. But...I don't know. I guess it just makes me think. It also brings up alot of bad memories.

It's just...sad.
I sort of can't believe it.
It seems unreal.
December 5th, 2007 at 04:16am