silence screams, "you're just so beautiful in blue"

i'm just bored and avoiding my homework, and this is pretty much afree ticket for my imagination to take over. usually i would be thinking up some story line, or writing poetry, but i just started thinking this time. so i just let my mind wander. so now i'm writing it down.

what is this connection that we feel? why is it that humans get so emotionally attatched to one another? we have this inate tendency to feel connected to another person.
and sometimes this works out well... this connection leads to relationships that build and flourish. sometimes they go on for long periods of time, ending in marriage or death. sometimes they end. but it's always something that you'll remember, something that you can learn from.
other times... it's completely the opposite. sometimes these feelings go unnoticed, unrequited, or [even worse] completely ignored. i think this is what hurts people the most. when they know that they have feelings for another person, and they also know that those feelings won't be returned. they either a) completely deny that they have those feelings, or b) sped every waking moment wishing, thinking about, and trying to be with that person.
emotional pain is probably the worst. especially because it's so easy to hide. but sometimes that emotional pain gets to be too much to bear. someitmes your heart hurts so much that your body hurts. the emotional pain transfers into physical pain, and you can feel yourself starting to fall apart.
why do we get so attatched to people? sometimes we use the words "heart-broken" when a relationship ends, or when our feelings are shot down. if your heart were really broken, you'd be dead. but, what if there's some truth to that. what if the attatchment really did have some bearing on our physical, blood-pumping heart? what if, when the attatchment broke, it seriously did hurt our heart? like a cord being yanked out of a plug, but leaving a chunk of metal stuck in the electrical socket. and then you try to grab at that little piece that's still stuck, that little sliver just under your skin, and you end up getting electrocuted.
what if this connection that we feel, this emotional attatchment... what if it were physical? not like a physical attraction, but, like, a connection that we could physically see. like, a litle line of light, connecting one peroson to another. a cord going from one person's middle to another's. and then, when we're close, it get's more obvious, and when we're far apart, it thins out, but it doesn't break. and when we're losing feelings, it withers and dries out, browning like a waterless leaf. and if we just wanted to end it, to stop the way we feel, we could just chop it in half. just hack through it with.. i don't know, something sharp. and it just fell in half, and *poof*ed into nothingness.
it think that would make life a lot easier.
like, i was thinking about this the other day.
what if gravity moved sideways and worked only between two bodies, bending around buildings and trees, going over mountains and underwater, and at the end of the day, no matter where they went and no matter what they did, it always pulled those bodies back together, and the rest of the world was held in place by the force of thier attraction?

just something to think about.
December 5th, 2007 at 10:25am