My School.

Is completely lame.
Seriously, someone set the girl's bathroom on the third floor on fire sometime between nine and 9:20.
And I got written up for dress code violation. YEY.
I'm wearing a grey shirt instead of the blue-collared one because I was rushing this morning.
I think that is quite funny.

I'd also really appreciate going to a school where people don't refer to me as "Ay, white girl!" And don't say "Oh, you fuckin' bitch." when I just keep walking.
Can you say fucking racist and judgmental?
Maybe I don't wanna fucking talk to you.

In the first four fucking days of school five people had already been through my "What the fuck do you want? / Can't you just fucking leave me alone?" speech.

Learn my name, and learn to accept people for who they are (or what colour their skin is) and maybe we'll get along.
Most likely not.

I hate my school with a passion.

And don't even get me STARTED on my global 2 class.
When people in there feel the need to say something to me, they're all:
two: Her name is JESSICA.
one: Nooo, it's Jackie.
me: You need another hobby besides getting my name wrong.

And the teachers?
HAH. I hate when teachers try to stop me from reading and then banter on about how reading is important. Why does it matter that I read in class when you don't teach?
And then there's my geometry teacher, oh boy.
He lets you do anything you want! And doesn't teach or command attention very well.
Which is why EVERYONE is failing his class.
If you tell me I can do whatever I want, you're going to have to teach me something.
Or at least tell me NOT to do it and pay attention! good googa-mooga.

There are good things about school though.
Not all of the kids are racist pigs. ^^;
There's my little circle of friends. (Literally, we stand in a circle at lunch.)
Annnnd there are the classes and teachers I like.
And the fact that there's only four 90 minute classes a day plus lunch.
We have to be here at 7:10, and getting out at 2:05 makes up for that.
There are tons of assemblies that get us out of class, because we need to be "spoken to" about a great many number of things.
And my favourite: There are people who actually speak ENGLISH and not "ghetto."

And this concludes my school-related rant. =D
December 5th, 2007 at 09:59pm