Whats up with Simple Plan?

I've just checked their homepage and theirs a sample of their new song 'When I'm Gone' and I got the shock of my life. (Well, okay top 10 shock) I'm not sure what you call it - maybe pop rock but it's definately not the edgy SP stuff we're normally used to or the 'hard hitting' music like Crazy or Untitled. It's just a bit . . . . . . lame. I like SP, don't get me wrong but it's just not that good. I agree they needed a bit of a change but this?

Furthermore, Pierre looks like a different guy. Think Pete Wentz but without the looks. I'm not even a Pete Wentz fan and I don't think he can carry the look off. I honestly thought I'd gone to the wrong page when I saw the pics. It was only by Chuck that I could reconise them.

Check out the sample vid of their new single 'When I'm Gone' here.


I'm not sure, I think I'll wait for their next single before I get inthusiastic about it. I don't mind pop rock but that's not why I'm a fan of SP. I don't know what you guys think. It's gonna take some getting used to thats for sure.
December 7th, 2007 at 12:57am