Need Your Help

So a while ago I posted a journal asking people to help me decide what to write next. The idea is that if anyone does read what I write, why not give them a say? Well, seeing as I finished Liberation Transmission, I decided to do it again.

Yeah I copied and pasted it with minor changes. And I decided that as I am putting another LPS album up as a choice, it'll have the same characters that you may know and love, different situation...obv. A prequel or sequel or something. So yeah here goes...

1) Which album should i write a fic, based off?
A) Lostprophets - Fakesoundofprogress
B) Brand New - Your Favourite Weapon
C) Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning
D) My Chemical Romance - I Brought You My Bullets...
E) Bleeding Through - The Truth

2) Should the band me included, like in my fic Ghost of You and Liberation Transmission or not?
A) Band!
B) No band
C) Band in some bits

3) Should it be short stories based off each indiviual song, or a continous story like Y&H?
A) Short stories
B) Continous

So yeah, thanks to anyone that helps.
December 8th, 2007 at 03:50am