Hey Guys

Hey Guys,

Yeah I'm Cat, from Aus.
I just realized that the profile stuff has changed, its cool.
I'm Captain slow, i know.

I also just realized I need too update my profile, cause I have changed a lot in the passed month.
So I'm not sure how many people will read this, if any.

But Happy Holidays to all auzzie's and Merry Christmas to everyone, even though it's ages away.

Sorry that I haven't posted a journal earlier even though I have been a member for awhile. I apologies if I have been rude.
All the stories are great, and if anyone has any ideas for what I can write next, that would be awesome. I have a few ideas i need to work on in the next 7 weeks.

I'm really happy at the moment, and I'm proud to be. I get to go to harbor Town on Wednesday, it shall be awesome.

My favorites place at the moment is the beach, it's truly beautiful.

Peace and Love to all,
December 10th, 2007 at 04:28pm