
I'm in english right now, with nothing better to do than go on Mibba and write a journal about having nothing better to do. From here I can hear everything everyone says in this room. Sylvia's telling a story. She knows she's a good storyteller, and she revels in the attention, just as everyone does. The spotlight is kind for everyone. Naomi's making out with her boyfriend. It's cute in a nauseating kind of way. I've just realized. I'm jealous and relieved I don't have that. My stomach gets all tight whenever I see a couple, and I get lightheaded and giggly and stupid whenever I talk to a boy, which is a lot since 90% of my friends are guys. So now people think that my intellegence is taking a remarkable drop. Fun. I am not stupid, far from it actually. But just because I don't flaunt it or force it, people think I'm stupid. It's my hair colour. Whenever someone new talks to me, they talk slower and louder and in smaller words than they use on other people. I kind of want to backhand these people. Should I?

But if I backhanded every person who talked to me as if I was a child who needs everything explained, then there would be a lot of people with slapmarks on their faces.

Maybe I just look incredably innocent. Which I am. Which isn't fair. Because now I'm socially disabled amoung boys.

I am so not imposing this rule on my kids when I have them. Jeebus Cripes. It's not the 1930s anymore, mom. I am YEARS behind my peers on dating and dating skills.

Gotta go to math now. Test. Joy. ;.;
December 11th, 2007 at 12:10am