Oh look children...

My journal ban has been lifted. I'm back... And it's not good news I'm afraid.

This is where I'm going to have a complete bitch at Mibba and probably get banned again.

Right, since I was last on here, a lot had happened. Some of it good, most of it horrible.

Self harm
anna & mia
sexual assult
sleeping pills

All of this stuff would have been one hell of a lot easier if I'd been able to come on here and speak to people who were understanding and had some idea of what I was going through.

But I couldn't do that.

You know why? Because Mibba banned me from posting journals for 3 months simply because I posted a journal that was under a certain number of characters. Yeah Mibba bosses, real mature of you.

I'm well aware that the issues I've been dealing with should get proffesional help, and I have had it, but I don't connect with the professionals as much as I do with people on here, and I'm well aware that many people get tired of all of these 'issue' journals, but I know that a lot of people find support and help on this page.

So, please do tell me, what would have happened if someone was banned from this website, who had really scarring issues, but instead of sharing and talking it through with people who've been through the same (as was suggested by Freud), they are isolated. What if they're unable to tell anyone at home or in school or hospital? What if Mibba was their only outlet? But they can't get rid of that frustration and anguish simply because they posted a journal that was too short?

So there, rant over with.

See you in 3 months when my next ban runs out...
December 11th, 2007 at 04:36am