Humans have the same exact fact like fire

Yesterday, I was walking to my favorite spot where I liked to chill in the forest and swim. When I reached there, I found that the whole lot of forest was cut down!! I was so pissed off and tried to stop them, but it never worked and nobody supported me through this devastation because they either figured that it was hopeless or they just did not care.

So, I asked the new property owner why he cut the property down. He told me it was none of my business and I needed to go or he would send the law out on me. Yeah, I guess no one cares if the world burned to hell either. I guess that would be pretty fucken funny. Well, all I can say about this is if you keep killing the inocent then you will soon regret it. [Even if it is a tree]
December 12th, 2007 at 01:19am