The Umbrella Academy - This is how comics should be!

I finished reading the first copy of The Umbrella Academy (Apocolypse Suite #1) on Tuesday 2nd October 07 and I must say, I thought it was amazing. I've since read the following issues up until 3 and it's just getting better and better.

I've always been a bit a comic fan and used to read 2000 AD, Judge Dred, The X-Men and such like all the time, but as I've "grown up" a bit, I haven't really touched them.

Obviously, I'm biased and yes, the main reason why I bought The Umbrella Academy Suite was because of Mr Gerard Way. However, I have heard all good things about Gabriel Ba and was very interested to see his style of illustrative drawing.

Gerard's writing style and the artwork fit snuggly together, like hand-in-hand. Without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't read it yet, you can just tell the story is written by Mr Way. I would like to think it's based very close to his own life experiences. It is written from the heart and I think every reader will relate to some of the characters, if not all.

It's a classic story of the outcasts/quiet people of this world rising up and doing something great and life changing; something I can definitely relate to! OK, I'll never change the world, but I sure as hell turned my little world into a wonderful place!

I've read each issue so far from cover to cover and I love the notes by Sir Reginald Hargreaves (aka The Monacle) explaining the seven main charachters; unique and wonderful.

I would like to thank Gabriel Ba and Gerard Way for making a 28 year old woman pick up a comic (with great anticipation and enthusiasm) and digress in to that wonderful place that I loved so many years ago; CHILDHOOD!

Can't wait for the next 3 installments!
December 12th, 2007 at 03:24am