This ain't a city, it's a gawddamn ass face.

So, uh. I've been on this site for a total of about two hours already, and I can feel myself becoming obssessed already. It's sad. I'm already addicted to four other websites, why not make it five?! WOO YEAH.

I don't care who you are, or what you do, but all I require of you is not to know me. If you realize you do know me, please tell me, for I must hunt you down and box your ears violently, or something like that.

No, I prolly won't add you on any chatty things, myspace, or whatever else the kiddies play with. If I do, feel HONORED. I like you. Hm. Why does that sound familiar?

I'm currently a junior in COLLEGE. This means I'm educated. Actually, it means my parents force me to go to school. But, I'm trying to get a nice paying job on the local airforce base as a civilian working in an airplane hangar. I really wanted to be a librarian, but Georgia sucks. So, I'll hold off on those plans until later in my life.

I don't know what I'm writing here. I suppose I'm just writing just to write. I know no one knows me here, so I feel safe. I can write what I please. Like, the fact that my armpits really itch, and I'm not too sure why. I just recently got out of the shower...

I have a weird sense of humor. If you want a whiff of it, kawaiinot is a pretty good example. I'm not morbid or anything. It's just kinda..."wtf, yo?" But, I enjoy it, and apparently a few others out there do too.

I have no label. There is nothing out there that describes me. I am seriously orignial.

I've discovered that I don't like my friends anymore. My best friend that I've known since I was five, she ran off and got married. I saw her the other day, and I was so thrilled to see her, and just acted like a total bitch to me. I was crushed. Seriously. Oh well. Time to move on and make new friends.

I'm a skinny white girl, with get away sticks for legs. I love rap. I love alternative. I love indie. Hell, I love music. I just can't really stand R&B and old twangy slow country. And Beyonce's Irrestiable. However you spell it. I that song sucks. It's overplayed, STOPPIT.

Oh, I can't spell, either.

I love my boyfriend more than everything. He's mixed, half white, half black. That would used to have bothered me, but now, I don't care. I think it bothers my parents a little, but I don't care. He's awesome. So awesome, I can't describe him. We also have great sex. :D

Tip for the kiddies: If/when you have sex, make sure you love the guy. Not, "omg. he's hott, i want him NOWZ." No, no. That's stupid sex. Pointless, and you'll regret it. TRUST ME. Also, your first time is going to suck some major balls. Guarenteed. And laugh. If you don't laugh during sex, you're doing it wrong. Also, wrap it up. Babies aren't cool, well, right now. Do you seriously want to be fat and emotional going through high school? No. Some of you are prolly already emotional (omg EMO. LOLZ) in high school. This too shall pass.

I want to kick people in the face who talk on cell phones while checking out. I work retail, and everytime someone does that, I want to snatch it out of their hands, stomp it flat, and then demand a $5.99 fee. Seriously people. LEARN SOME MANNERS.

Chilvary is NOT DEAD. Quit saying it. You just haven't found the right guy.

I love to look at stars. They're just so...there. Same with clouds. Except clouds move and change shapes. Like from a spatula to a snorkel.

I love books. I do. I want a gigantic library when I get enough money to afford one. And it's going to be filled with the weirdest stuff.

I love to ramble.

I used to cut myself. I did. I was depressed and shit. But, it was for real things. Then, I realized that cutting myself would take me nowhere. So I put my time in effort into another hobby. I'm alot happier for it. I've also tried to kill myself...twice. I decided that I have more to live for.

For those that have watched Scrubs, my mind works just like JD's. And I actually do the cocked head thing he does while he's daydreaming. I didn't realize it until someone told me. I laughed.

I have dial up. I really seriously miss DSL. 26.4k bites.

I'm violent. My boyfriend and I love to wrestle. It's a way to relieve stress. And it's fun.

Um. The end.
April 6th, 2007 at 07:01am