its my birthday

finally... i am seventeen.

time to enjoy life. not that i wasnt before, just now its another reason to.

enjoy the sun, the surf, the festive season. the atmosphere, happiness, no school, no stress. family, friends, my girlfriend and the smell of pudding on chrismas day.

im so blissfully happy at the moment. everyone seems to be. every single person ive asked is content with where they are in life, happy with everything.

i think its the festive season.

i wish it could stay this way every day of the year. just everything, its so uplifting. makes me just want to jump with joy.

maybe its just me. i personally love christmas. it gives me an opportunity to spend time with my family, which i love.

we put our tree up a couple of weeks ago. my sister got the job of doing the tinsel, like every year. it looks like a tinsel explosion, you cant even see most of the decorations, but i love it. it looks familiar. my dad made his chrismas cakes and puddings too, so the house has that familiar aroma.

i love it, i love it, i love it.

i sincerely hope that you are all as happy as i am at this moment.

December 13th, 2007 at 08:16am