Loveless Rant

I know! A non-political rant! But, I figured I should show the non-political sides of me for once. Anyway, I'm probably going to hell or something for this but here it goes:

I'm not a fan of Loveless.

Sure, I own a manga of it and I'll admit it's not that bad. The art is pretty decent, and although the plot is a bit confusing in the first manga, I'm sure it gets better as it goes along. The one thing I can't get past is the relationship with Soubi and Ritsuka.

Don't me wrong, I love gays! And if Ritsuka was older or Soubi was younger I could understand it. But, I just can't help but be weired out by their relationship. Ritsuka is 12 and Soubi is 21. The 11-year age gap isn't that much if we're talking something like 35 and 46. You're generally just as mature in your 30's as you are in your 40's and have similar lifestyles. But when you're under 18, the age gap seems a lot larger.

I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I acted pretty young when I was 12. I mean, I could barely say the word period (talking about the monthly one) above a whisper, and even that would give me blushes. Heavy relationship stuff was the farthest from my mind and having a boyfriend didn't mean a whole helluva lot.

People in college are MUCH more mature than a 12-year-old (well, for the most part.)

So, I just think that what a 6th grader wants out of a relationship and what someone in college want out of a relationship are 2 completely different things. And this is where it starts to get dangerous.

Because Soubi doesn't have his ears (or for non-Loveless readers, his "innocence" *cough*) and Ritsuka does. I haven't read much ahead in the manga, but I do know that Ritsuka and Soubi kiss. Sure, it's innocent enough, but from the way Soubi talks about him, it sounds like these aren't "parental" kisses or "friendly" kisses. So, this raises a red flag about where this relationship could lead and what kind of path this could lead Ritsuka on, especially because he needs a place to run to with his abusive mother.

So, I ask you fangirls (and boys): Are YOU a fan of Loveless? Do you support the relationship? Or is it just the kitty ears and cute boys that's got you all in a tizzy? Because I'd like to know, just outta curiosity. o.O
December 13th, 2007 at 10:52am