Looking back on old writing

Hmmm... just uploaded a poem I wrote AGES ago, like three years or so, that I had previously put up on Quizilla. Looking back on it, it seems so horrible and, dare I say it, emoish.

It's still reasonable though, which is why I put it up.

However there's another story series which I put on Quizilla that I would never put up on here, simply because I cringe whenever I think of it.
I thought it was uber-spiffy when I first wrote it, again, three years back, but now I cringe, especially when I compare it to most of my other original writing. Even some stuff that's more recent but I still cringe over because I've moved on is vastly better.

And I'd simply die if someone praised me for that ages ago written story 'Disenchanted'.
*rages silently at how it's such a stupid story and would rather have someone read the stories she wrote when she was six and had princesses and mermaids*

Not that I don't like those either, it's just I didn't think I deserved the world because I had written them.
December 14th, 2007 at 05:12pm