
Last night I felt restless so i got up and looked out the window in front of me. It was dark outside. I looked at the blue green lcd numbers glowing just to my left. 1am. I quickly opened the metal screen door looking right then left before stepping out into that enveloping sooty black. It was beautiful. I'd always loved the night. The night made you feel important. People couldn't see your imperfections. They couldn't judge you in the same way as in the broad daylight. After all, you were half invisible. Nothing could be more wonderful. Have you ever gone to a concert and when its over you step out into the night. Or when you're at a friend's house and you turn out the lights so you can a watch a movie and it's night. Those are some of the happiest moments in my life.

To me the night is the most alive and the most dead thing in the world. When I go running at night I have the most perfect time imaginable and I wouldn't give that up for anything.
December 15th, 2007 at 05:02am