Christmas and stress?

You all know how it is - you've forgotten to buy all the presents or they were sold out when you wanted to buy them or friends or family pressuring you to tell them what you wish for for christmas.

Well I know all about it and it doesn't make it any better that I have my 3rd year assignment to do this past week and next week.
I'm totally stessed out. I mean I have a job and I have things to do and then the school thinks it's fun to put the biggest assignment in the last year right before christmas. Bright side - I haven't been in school since the 6th of December and I only have one schoolday left - the day after I've handed the assignment in and then there's no school till the 7th of January. I know it's a month without school but it's also a month of more stress than I would have if I had attened school all month.
The problem, or one beside what I just wrote, is that one of the ministers in the state has just realised that the assignment I'm doing and everyone else who's in the 3rd year, is too difficult, that it has too high standards. And he wont change the standards before next year. Is that fair?

Okay I know I'm complaining about stress at the moment, I just needed to get it off my chest. Sorry.

- Cara
December 16th, 2007 at 05:26am