I've fallen in love.

With the Pet Shop Boys. They've been added to my list of favorite bands (which now totals around 4 or 5) with record speed, and for good reason.

Firstly, Neil is a lyrical genius. Seriously. With something such as I'm With Stupid, I don't even get how it's possible to not like such a witty set of lyrics (unless your politics are completely to the opposite side and you can't take a joke, I suppose). And that was just the first example that came to mind, they're just all so clever, and touching, melancholy, humorous, or happy at just the perfect time. And the lyrics are a nice balance of political commentary and personal topics. Political commentary is great, and definitely important at this point in time, but there's many moments when you just can't take any more politics. There's something for you then, too.

Oh, and the music's good. Very very good. Electronica is also my preferred genre, so that tends to help as well. But it's just generally catchy and fun, and nice on the ears.

Plus, they have a great image. They've planned it all out, with Neil being the serious one, with Chris as his more humorous counterpart. And their pictures clearly show it. Their pictures are fantastic, very clear and well planned out, but varied and fun. And they have photos from all angles: full body shots, close ups, torso shots, you name it. And in all styles, too, from black and white to futuristic color shots. This all makes me, as a graphics geek, very very happy.

Aaaaaaaaaaand, they've put basically all their music up on the player on their website. It loads only a few at a time and eventually loops those, but if you refresh the site, it gives you a new set of songs.
Which adds up to a very happy Vex.

So yeah.

If you're a fan, please comment. :]
December 16th, 2007 at 08:05am