Bad Day

Sorry for this not-so-cheery journal. If you're gonna be a bitch about it, don't bother replying. I'm not in the mood right now.
So today we were supposed to have our choir concert. But no. We live in Ohio. And Ohio weather sucks ass, and we have a level one snow emergency. I'm pissed. My boyfriend was gonna come, but now he can't 'cause he's busy tomorrow night.
Speaking of my boyfriend, I'm a little fed up with him. I don't know why, but I always am. I always think, maybe this isn't supposed to be. Then, when I see him or talk to him again, whether on the phone or in person, I remember why I'm dating him.
Right now, I feel like he's blowing me off. Like he doesn't care. I invited him to go to church with me tonight. I know he's not religious. He's made that very clear. But I'd hope he would make that sacrifice and want to spend time with me. He always has these excuses, and I'm starting to become skeptic about them.
So, yeah. We were texting earlier and I wouldn't tell him what was wrong. I wish he'd have enough balls to call me before nine. I really don't understand him. This whole is this supposed to be? thing is scaring me.
December 17th, 2007 at 04:06am