My Chem Concert |Full Story|

so yeah this is just the blog i posted on myspace about it so i copied and pasted it cause im too lazy to type the whole thing again lol

I have to say, it ties with the 1st My Chem concert as Best Night of My Life.

i cant even describe how amazing it was.

the setlist (not in order, i cant remember that lol)

.This is How I Disappear



.House of Wolves


.I Don't Love You

.Give Em Hell Kid

.Prison (i think...? thats terrible that i can remember if they played that...)
i remember they played that now, but i can only remember seeing them play the first 2 minutes. i have no idea what happened to me lol

.Desert Song

.Famous Last Words

.I'm Not Okay

.Cemetery Drive

.The Sharpest Lives




.Welcome To The Black Parade

So, we got there at like a little after 6 and then they were like you cant have cameras and we brought our camera bag so Chris ran back to the car to put the bag away and hid the camera in his pants (ew..) lol

And we tried to take like one picture but the security guards were such freaking dicks and they flashed their flashlights on you if you had a camera and they were taking kids cameras, which was so gay. so yeah no pictures =/

And then we went to the merch line and jesus, they took forever and i bought a jacket and then my friend Courtney found me and she went to buy a shirt. So i was talking to her while she waited in line and i heard someone say something and i was like "Holy crap, that sounds like Javon." (my other friend) lol and she was like on the other side of the merch table and we were yelling to her and i just thought it was amazing how we could find her from just her voice hahah

So since the merch line took so long, we missed the opening band, Saves the Day. but from what i heard from outside, they sounded pretty good. So me and Courtney go in and i wasnt expecting the venue to be so small!! it was awesome. i was hoping it wasnt going to be so big cause then i'd have a better chance at getting as close as possible and i did =D

we started on the side of frank like 6 feet back from the barrier and when the lights went out and evreyone started moving, we got a little bit closer and more towards the center.

When they came out i seriously almost started hyperventilating lol it was great. me and courtney were holding hands and screaming our faces off, it was the greatest moment.

So yeah Frank cut his hair short again and i never noticed that his face is kinda

Well yeah Anywho!!

I saw the legendary Fro Man a little bit but it was hard cause i was mostly by Mikey and Gerard. and good god, Mikey is looking fabulous lol. he was moving around a lot more and headbanging and his hair looked really good too hahah

I saw Gerard do this awesome hip thing lol I've never seen it before but he did a little rawr thing with his hand and then did a thing with his hips, gah its hard to explain haha you'd have to see it. and he did his chicken running thing in place a couple times xD I also got a good look at his....


lol its a bit pudgy xD

and a bit lower than that.... *giggles*

shut up! we all know that everyone takes a peak!!

And during Give Em Hell Kid, Gerard said something about him being a prostitute lol and at the end he was talking about being on the corner xD i loved it

I cried. and im not afraid to admit that lol

I cried during Cancer and I Don't Love You, it was wonderfullll but these idiots next to me were trying to start a mosh pit during CANCER. it was retarded and my mom was getting pissed off and she was cussing at them, it was hilarious. and when gerard sang Desert Song it was so beautiful and the pianist was sooo good. im not sure who that was but i think i heard something about him being from Reggie and the full effect, idk.

And i think it was the beginning of Mama that Gerard did the "Everybody in the whole place, whole place. Everybody in the whole place, whole place, clap!" hahah it was stuck in my head all night when i got home.

omg my glasses were so annoying ! They fell completely off my face a couple times onto the floor and im lucky no one stepped on them but yeah they were flying off my face the whole time hahah and it got stuck in some girls hair once too. they kept getting foggy because it was so hot and everyone was sweating and it was like a sealed container of sweat, body odor and bad breath. it was great

i was sweating soooo bad and my hair frizzed out like mad and the sweat was stinging my eyes and in my mouth and ew after the show i was drenched sweat and half of it wasnt even mine!! lol

and there was this girl next to me with HUMANGUS boobs, im not even joking. and we're all jumping around like crazy and her boobs are like smacking me in the arm lmao

we were so packed. it was like the taking back sunday concert i went to in 2005 and i felt like i was going to die but i wasnt going to get pulled out for anything. There were all these big people around me and they were smushing me like crazy but it was definately worth it. but for like all of Helena, it was awful, i couldnt breath for the longest time and everyone was going crazy. Chris, my step dad, put me on his shoulders near the beginning and i yelled to frank but he didnt look up and none of them saw me because they were getting ready for the next song >.< then the security guards flashed me in the eyes with their stupid flashflights to tell me to get down

My favorite song they played would have to be Famous Last Words, it was unbelieveable.

When they performed it, it was just wow. and the lights were really bright and flashy and at the end with the last chorus, there was this one moment and it was gahhh i cant even say it. but like i had a perfect view and for those few seconds someone wasnt touching me and i could actually breath and i felt cold air and the lights were so pretty and i could see all of them and gerards voice was so good and it was just amazingggg.

there was this one part, im not sure which song it was during, when gerard usually counts 1 2 3 4 but he was like "say F, U, C, K...FUCK!!" it was hilarious. it might have been during the sharpest lives, but im not sure.

i wanted to wait after and hopefully see them walk out but i was with my parents and they werent going to wait with me for some hours just to maybe see them. but my friend javon did see Brian when he walked past where she was sitting and she said, "hey! arent you my chem's manager?" and he was like yeah and i dont know what else she said lol but yeah and she said she saw mr. and mrs. way =O i thought that was pretty cool...

they might still be here in hawaii..i dont know cause its not like they have shows anytime soon.

So yeah, i had the greatest time of my life and i couldnt stop smiling all last night and today =D

Even though i didnt get to the gate (4 feet away, center-ish, is pretty damn good) and im not even 5 foot, surrounded by tall ass people, and with my parents, and on my period, and didnt get pictures, it was still


And now im super freaking sore, especially my neck. I've never headbanged so much in my life. I didnt get any scars to have forever =[ but i did get a bruise on my foot!! lol that makes me sound like such a pansy. i dont want it to go away though hahah so i keep punching it

but yeah.


Mele KalikiRockaMyFreakingFaceOff = Best Night Ever
December 17th, 2007 at 07:57am