
im sorry i hardly ever get on here.
and im sorry for not updating on my stories, if you read them :]
my computer broke and im stuck with my phone. and my stupid phone wont let me get on here only certain sites, like buzznet[if you have one add me! elizabetha7x]
and right now im at school haha shhhh xP
so once my computer is fixed i'll be on here more often!!! xD


but looky i'll write a little short story right now :D

Ok well one day there was this dude and he was walking, just minding his own buisness. THEN out of no where a bunny pops up and goes "RAWR!" the dude ignores him and keeps walking. The bunny gets mad and attacks the dudes neck. the guy screams and, slowly, the bunnys venom seeps deep into the dudes blood stream[sp?] the bunny laughs manicaly and drags the dude to his home........THE END

haha xD
December 20th, 2007 at 01:03am