I Need Some Opinions

Ok, so I really need your opinion on a song ok? It's by Jimmy Ear World and the song is called Hear You Me. All credit goes to them, but this song is a cover of my buddy. She wanted to record something on my recorder, so yesterday she came over to my house and we did the entire thing. Now, mind you, I think it's pretty good. Could be better, but that's home recording for you, right?

So, here's the link. You have to copy and paste it, but don't mind the spaces that are it in.

C:\Documents and Settings\Meg\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\Hear You Me C.WAV

So other than that, I have a hockey game today! =D Against our rival, too. And every year they beat us. I have a good feeling about this one, though....but when that happens, usually the opposite of what I think is going to happen, happens. xS

xRin Tin Tin
December 24th, 2007 at 12:07am