I have no idea why that made me so happy.
I got a penpal letter! ^_^
It was a nice change from all the Christmas cards addressed to my parents, anyways. [:

My friend is coming over for Christmas dinner with my grandparents...this should be interesting.
I haven't talked to this particular friend in almost a year. >.>
Oh well, I'll be able to pull it off, I hope.
Her mom really hates me's like her life goal to piss me off.

My little brother and sister have been watching the Christmas tree all day...expecting the gifts to like walk away or something. And my sister, who's almost ten years old now, just couldn't wait any longer(what a pathetic excuse..) and opened one of them. Haha.

Anyways, hope everybody has a happy holiday. =]
December 25th, 2007 at 04:08am