The Year of 2007 !

its that time again!
the yearly blog of what went down for me and my new years resolutions =]

Moments to Remember
this year of

Two Thousand and Seven

the first really big one that comes to mind is
1) Moving from Florida to Hawaii in April
2) Meeting my Grandma and other family here in Hawaii
3) Getting in a insane boyfriend (literally)
4) First time getting drunk with a boyfriend in public (lol..good timesss)
5) First time smoking weed (three times actually hahhah school bathroom, by the concrete wall, and in the park xD)
6) First My Chem Concert IN THE PIT! *cough*7feetaway*cough* lol
7) Meeting my long lost cousin
8) First Semester of High School
9) Meeting LOTS of new friends
10) Meeting my new BEST friend Javon
11)Being graced with the presence of Lancens AMAZING ass.
12) Being graced with the presence of Dwaynes AMAZING smile.
13) Dancing like a whore at the Halloween Dance
14) Riding the City Bus
15) Started playing bass

Yeah, i cant really think of much more
so its time for my New Years Resolutions!

Last years one was to cuss less...

yeah that obviously didnt turn out so well
(fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK) lol

This yearssssss for 2008 are :

1) Be more Confident (in order to score the guy i want lol and other things...)
2) Got to more shows for local bands (Arkeo on the 5th boiiii =D)
3) Be nicer to my Grandma
4) Have more of a social life (sadly that also means less time on mibba and myspace =/)
5) Live Life to the fullest (means taking more risks, having fun...yadadadada)

and yeah!
you all post a blog like this too, if you havent already, its fun =D


December 25th, 2007 at 12:26pm