Merry Christmas Everyone! & A Happy New Year.. from me. :)

Wow, today has been a fantastic day for me, really. I have actually healed most of my wounds that held me back from my potential all these years. Breakups, betrayals, lies, and even childish assumptions had been haunting me for the past few days. Dark days indeed. Well, after few years reading personal help books, the book called...

How To Get What You Want and Want What You Have by JOHN GRAY...

has been really helpful to me. If you have not read it, go to the nearest library NOW and read it. I gurantee you that it would change your life in ways you never knew. It will change your perspective about being your true self and attracting all the pleasure you had wanted in life.

Read Books by John Gray! Their really superb! Take it from me who have read a lot of self-help books. Well, what might be good for me might not be for you, but give it a shot! Its worth your time!

Watched a lot of movies recently too. Just realise that sometimes praises on VCD movies aren't really true. For example, the movie 'Cursed' was deem to be the most scary movie of the year of 2005. Well for a person who screams even at the sight of cockroach, that movie sure did not scare me. Well, it was kind of entertaining as the scary parts were funny to me. Just a little too gory but thats all.

I have watched the Golden Compass but it was merely alright. I was expecting something more epic, more heartrending and inspiring, but it turned out fairly well. Nevertheless, it was a thrilling experience to see new perspectives on fantasy, such as using bears as warriors. Fine, me and my narrow imagination. AND it did not put anti-God ideas in my head. I still love God very much.

So on this merry Christmas day, cheer up dude. Its Christmas! :) Even the Grinch got married on that day, if you watch 'Dr Seus: How The Grinch Stole Christmas'.

Have A Happy Merry Christmas and Wonderful New Year!
December 25th, 2007 at 08:08pm