Stereotyping... Why do we need it?

Okay so I just read a journal entry of someone who will remain nameless...
anywho they were talking about how they didn’t like a certain store cause it was "preppy." So I go on to read the comments that were left, and I was shocked that people started getting into a fight over what was said. They were all accusing each other of "stereotyping" each other. And I just have to say I was so confused.

I mean reall who cares who buys what at what stores. Why do people have to constantly
bash one another on where they shop? I mean sure each one had a right to say what they thought, and I’m not saying anyone was wrong or that they shouldn’t have said what they said.

I just don’t see the point in why people call someone "emo" if they shop at HotTopic or "preppy" if they shop at Hollister. I know personally it makes it hard for me to be myself and wear what I want with out being labeled/ stereotyped.

And I hate when people see u wearing skinny jeans and automatically think ur emo. or that u wear a polo your preppy. And I can understand if a person doesn’t want to shop at a store because there expensive or u just don’t like the clothes, I mean I do that.

Does it make me preppy if I like the way A&E jeans fit me? Does it make me emo if I like HotTopic’s hoddies? Hell no it doesn’t, it makes me. So basically what I’m trying to say is stereotyping is so retard so why do we need to do it?
December 26th, 2007 at 10:59am