Heartsick? Really?

Awwwh. Just read it.

I remeber when we went to starbucks. It was the first time my parents let us alone together. He had his tea, I had my classic mocha. We were talking. Not like a usual dating couple. We were talking about death. I remember that we planned out our funerals. I kept looking at him. He was so cute! I was such a girl whenever I saw him. I couldn't stop smiling! I believe we only had two dates, since my parents would never leave us alone... no it was three. Starbucks, trick or treating and then the movie. Dan in real life. we held hands almost all the way through that movie. When we weren't holding hands, my hand was on his thigh. I hardly paid any attention to the movie at all. And when we were trick or treating. We held hands while we were walking. I started to get tired, and so I just nuzzled into his neck. He was never really a romantic. I remember after Dan In Real Life, he kissed me on the cheek. He was so oblivious, it was ADORABLE! Whenever I would embrace him and try to snuggle, he would get all confused, cause he didn't know what to do! Awwh, he was so innocent! I honestly can't recall him ever saying 'I love you' to me, though. That must mean that he was self-concious, fearing rejection, attachment, and failure. Oh well. I can deal. We've broken up, but I'm over it. I still flirt with him, because he truly is mmmbopilicious! Seriously! you take Frank Iero, straighten his hair a little bit, make his lips thinner, and you have my ex. Honest to Gerard Way himself! I'm just remembering the moments, cause I just went to starbucks, like 3 minutes ago, and I have nothing else to do... pathetic, huh?
December 27th, 2007 at 07:58am