Some things just seem too hard.

I don't know what it is but I feel so... Everything. That's not even possible, everything isn't a feeling... But most of it's negative so is it really worth feeling?

I don't get this, my band is starting off to a... fairly decent begining, but one of them thinks I rant too much, one of the other's agrees with other said member(but then he goes off and agrees with me???), one of them thinks I have good ideas and the other doesn't give a damn. I'm not trying to rant... I swear, I'm not, I'm trying to get a point across in a decent manner, it's not working.

I have a common-law husband and he just texted me that he kissed a guy at the worst possible time, usually I'm secretly jealous but never show it. It's some stupid open relationship, I can't stand it, but I agreed to it. Love is stupid, it makes me blind and deaf and ignorant... But I know when I'm acting that way, it's like a split personality, both of them love Kevin, but only one can see what an idiot the other one is being and can't stop it.

I think I need a cigarette, but I haven't smoked since Dec. 2. I know it's not that long, but it's longer than I've ever gone before without one.

I am confused and hurt (for no reason) and angry and so many other emotions it feels like I'm going to explode.
December 28th, 2007 at 09:11am